Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hump Day Playlist

Happy Hump Day! As previously mentioned you'll most likely be seeing a decent amount of music and video related posts on this here blog of mine. One thing I'd like to do is create the Wednesday (or Hump Day) playlist, you know, to get you over the hump and onto looking forward to the weekend. Themes or compilations are usually a lot of fun, and today is no exception.

It's now December, the daylight hours are short and the days are cold....well except today cause it's going to be like 60 or something ridiculous, but you know what I mean. At any rate, It's winter time. And with winter comes one of my most favorite activities of all time. No, not Guitar Hero (although I do admit, I can shred a killer rendition of Cliffs of Dover) - I'm talking about SNOWBOARDING!! Unfortunately for me, I don't live out west....yet. No, I live in good ol, non-congested, stress free, easy going, not a care in the world, Northern Virginia. The closest semi decent mountain is at least 3 hours away, and even then it pails in comparison to what the west coast, Europe, our neighbors to the north, or even New Zealand have to offer. We get to snowboard (or ski) on a winterly mix of what I speculate is probably no less that 65% man made tiny ice chips. Translation: we have the worst snow conditions ever. The plus? When you head out west, or any place that is accustomed to perfectly groomed runs and 6 inches of fresh powder a day, you're in heaven. As an added bonus, if there's even a hint of frozen snow, the locals call it terrible conditions, bail for the day, and wonder how the heck we're able to maintain control.

Whew! My apologies, had to get that out of the way. My point is that it's now the snowboarding season, and I'm busting at the seems with anticipation of getting back out on the snow. So today's 'Hump Day Playlist' contains some music which I tend to listen to while out snowboarding, some of which you probably never would have guessed. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I don't have a song to add, but I like this tradition! I'm going to look forward to Wednesdays now