Okay, so it's been a while since I've added anything to the blog, but it's been a pretty crazy start to 2009 for me so far! I've been out of town a good deal and I have a bunch of good stuff to share, I just need to organize all my pictures and I'll put some stuff up soon.
In other (shorter) news. I bit the bullet last night, joined the masses, and got the iPhone. My roommate has one and it came in very handy on a recent trip, so when I finally got done with my recent travels I checked my at&t account online, and sure enough I was eligable for an upgrade. I had a $100 visa gift card, so that took a good chunk out of the price of the phone itself. Anyways I'm still figuring a lot of it out, and trying to look up all the cool apps and stuff, but the only thing I can say so far is that this thing is saweeet! Oh and my sister is psyched cause she wants my old phone. Here's a little screen shot of my phone I figured out you could do!

i want an iphone!! :)
Erika wants your phone???
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