So the afternoon after I wrote the day of relection post, I went home and started rocking out to some good ol country songs. I tell you what, nothing is better at the end of a long day than cranking up the tunes, cracking open a nice cold beer, and firing up the grill to make some BBQ Cheeseburgers! Any downside to your day gets lost in the music and it's clear sailing from that point on! On my way over to the grocery store to get the beef and potatoes, I had my iPod rockin' some of my current favorites from the country music world. Seriously, you can't not be in a good mood after hearing these ones. Enjoy, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!
I listened to that CD you dropped off on my way in to work this morning. It's awesome!!
I love that Toby keith song! I can't wait for Friday Night Pizza on the Porch and country!
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