Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama Kills Fun Cars

Yep. You heard it here. Obama hates fun, fast cars. Check out the two stories linked below for the details.

Obama Kills Fun Cars -- Outline of new proposed guidelines.
No One Meets New Standards -- Breakdown of each companies current situation.

Funny note worth mentioning. Take a look at where GM stands. Unless the rumored price of the Chevy Volt drops by say $5,000, I don't think it'll sell as well as everyone thinks. This would put GM's fleet in jeopardy, esp if the Camaro sells as well as everyone thinks it will (and I believe it will). Now you may be wondering, why have I singled out GM? And the answer is Cadillac. Cadillac falls under the GM umbrella. Obama rides around in a ultra heavy duty Cadillac limo. My guess is that his ride probably weighs close to 3 tons or maybe more with all the armour, 7 inch bullet proof glass, and undoubtedly performance oriented engine. I bet that limo gets like 7 miles to the gallon.

Wonder if these new standards set forth will still be such a hot idea when he's forced to be cheuferred around in a dinky little Prius.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You're not bitter or anything :)