Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Spare Change

On my desk at home I have this beer glass that I throw spare change into at the end of every day. It takes a few months, but tends to fill up sooner rather than later. Well, it's been full and overflowing for a while now, and I finally got around to going over to the bank here at work to ask them for some coin wrapper things. I dumped out all the change earlier and began sorting.

Originally I thought this was going to be a painstakingly slow process with lots of errors, but it was not, and I was happy. In the end I had tallied up $53.50 in change, not too shabby! $52 of that actually made it into wrappers, and the remaining $1.50 that was left over just got thrown back into the glass to kick start the next go around. I brought in all my coins neatly wrapped up into work today, and plan on going over the the bank here in the building and cashing them in!

Below are the before and after pics of my sorting and counting abilities........"Billy passed the 3rd grade ohhhh what a glorious dayyy".....

Oh, and my oldest coin was a penny from 1951. Kinda cool.

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