Some of you may have noticed a new link over on the right side of the page. It's ChallengerForumZ.com -- the source of all my info for the past 6 months. Of course I couldn't let anyone know that's where my info was, cause anyone who remotely knows me would probably be able to figure out what color the Colonel was going to be just by browsing through a couple threads. I'm pretty active on that forum so my guess is that it wouldn't have taken you long to figure it out.
Anyway, it's by far the best forum I've ever been a part of. No bashing, no stupid internet posting wars full of idiots trying to flex their e-muscle, simply a great group of [VERY knowledgeable] people who love the Challenger. Coming home from Emerald Isle last month, I even met up with one guy for dinner before making the long drive home, he even took me for a quick spin in his SRT8 Challenger. And next month I'm roadtripping down to Oceana with a bunch of other VA Challenger owners to go check out the Oceana Air Show together.
Anyway, it's a fantastic forum, and one that I'm proud to be a member of. I even had the opportunity to design this year's ChallengerForumZ coin! [Pictured below] Head on over there and you'll see why I love it.

1. Cool that you designed that! And glad you have some new friends
2. BE CAREFUL! The quadruple homicide in our neighborhood last week was committed by a guy the girl met online!
It's really a shame I didn't look deeper when I found that forum for a picture of your car - for your birthday card! So close...
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