Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Colonel Update, September 2nd!!!!!!

Wow, it's September already! Hard to believe it's been just over 5 months since I placed my order. It's been a long, windy, and uncertain road, but the light is beginning to shine as the end is in sight. Last night at 11:00pm I received this email:

Hey Rob,

Your Challenger left Brampton at 8:30AM this morning and is leaving Michigan on a railyard tomorrow morning.

It should arrive in Jessup by the 5th and then our transporters in Jessup will deliver it to Farrish hopefully shortly after!

It's on its way south! It'll be here soon!

Have a good night,

Couple things; More than likely the car will be delivered to the dealer on Tuesday since we have a 3 day weekend ahead of us. Hopefully that remains true, and depending on when the car actually gets unloaded I'll be able to pick it up the same day. I know it'll take a couple hours to clean it, and prep it for delivery but it shouldn't take 24 hours [like one person said on the phone.] Plus mine is a sold order Challenger not a fleet or general car for inventory, mine should be done before those. So if I for whatever reason can't get in Tuesday, I'll should be able to pick it up on Wednesday, one week from today.

The other thing that struck me about this email, was that Kristyn sent it at 11pm at night. Meaning she's at work, or at least working on finding out what's going for me 11pm at night. Talk about customer service. I know a lot is out of her control, but that right there says a lot to me. [She's probably just as excited for me as I am.....cause I'll stop bugging her all the time!]

Anyway, that's the update for today. Everyone wish the Colonel a safe trip home!


Paul said...

I want a phone call when you pick up the Orange Colonel. No words necessary, just the engine roar!!!

Katie said...

I want pictures when you pick it up!

Patty said...

i will be the one to SEE IT!!!