Monday, September 14, 2009

Operation: Garage Remodel, Part Deux

Alrighty, here's an update to my earlier post about redoing our garage and yard and stuff. I'll let the pictures do the talking, but basically I got two coats of paint down on the entire garage, Chris resealed the driveway, I hung up a few flags I ordered online [a few posters coming tomorrow, so those will be added as well], and we decided to rip up the one side of the yard and get rid of all the crap that was over there [a truckload of bricks, random bushes, bunch of random gravel, etc], and just level it out and plant new grass seed in hopes of making next summer's lawn that much nicer. [It helps to have access to a Bobcat in times like these!] There's quite the difference from before and now after. On with the pictures!


Patty said...

Oh, I want to drive that bobcat! looking great; I'm very proud of you two!!

Chris said...

where did you get a bobcat from?

Rob said...

I know people....who know people!

Katie said...

seriously.. can I drive that bobcat? everything looks great!