Alright so in even more preparation for the Challenger coming home, I decided our garage needed a face lift. When we moved in there was this ugly dark wood paneling on the walls so we ripped that down pronto, and it's been this nice dark yellowish color for the past year....also not so pleasant. Well, now it's getting painted white. I decided to start on the wall that had the most surface area so I could get an idea of how the whole thing might turn out. It took me about an hour yesterday afternoon to lay down this first coat. A second coat will hopefully go down today. It's a little hard to tell from the pictures, but it makes a huge difference when you're standing in the garage. It makes it look a lot bigger, so I'm excited. Also, I ordered a bunch of stuff online to put up once all the painting is done. There will be more updates to come.
Aw.. I kind of like the yellow!
The yellow doesn't look too bad in the picture, but the white is much brighter! i love how you two take care of things!
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