Thursday, October 15, 2009

Most Relaxing Beach Ever.

Who wants to take a vacation with me to ohhhh.....let's say St. Maarten in the Caribbean, more specifically Maho Beach?! I want to go for one reason, and one reason only: the plane landings! Basically you've got jumbo jets coming in like 10-15 feet over your head. I can't even imagine how cool it would be to see those landings that up close. The pilots are insane......and awesome. Check out a few of these pictures and videos. Who's with me??


Katie said...

That's crazy! Someone could get hurt!

Rob said...

I did a quick google search on 'Maho Beach injuries' returned no results. It's a shame the FAA would never allow something as cool as this in our country. Prob for the best though, some idiot would prob get hurt and then try and sue.....

Patty said...

I'm out. that is too dangerous. No way I'd want to be on a beach relaxing, while I see a 747 coming at me. You're crazy!!

Patty said...

OK, I just watched those videos. this can't legal!! It's jus tnot right!