Here's a couple choice pictures from Christmas morning this year (and one sequence) but the above picture should give you a pretty good understanding to how things went. Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, and has a safe and Happy New Year! On with the pictures!
Slightly more normal
Normally we're herded on the stairs and my mom takes a picture of us sitting, this year we came prepared and returned the favor! Boo-ya!
Tree, Stockings, and Presents
I've never seen anyone so excited to receive a rolling pin thing.
Okay, nowww I've never seen anyone so excited.
The girls got tickets to see Taylor Swift.....luckies.
Katie & Chris finally made it over. Chris went straight for the food....literally.
This is the start of Chris's present opening sequence. Last year he wrapped my gift in duct tape. This year I returned the favor.....and then again and again. I've already got plans for next year. Here you can see him holding the box, the tag reads To: Chris From: Robert (ps, wouldn't it stink if you opened this all up and your present is just in a gift bag?) And on the top I wrote in sharpie "Ho Ho Hope you have fun opening this up."
And GO!
This is the last shot. I got him a beer recipe to brew at home. Total time it took him to open his present: 3 minutes, 37.3 seconds.
To: Mom From: Harry & Lloyd
My parents just finished building a bar in the basement, so we got them some customized pint glasses to put down there. It reads 'Fighter Pilot Bar' and has an F-15 Eagle on it.
Hahaha my favorite picture is DEFINITELY the one of Erika at the end :)
yeah, thanks for that.
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