.....Okay not really, in fact I love you. But I do hate love you because you make awesome products and put actual thought into improving your products rather than seeing what someone else does, and imitate it a year later. I also hate you because I tend to want your nicest stuff. Why do you have to make things really really ridiculously good looking?!
Okay I should just get to the point of this post. I want one of the new iMac's. They're spectacular, and I want one to be sitting on my desk at home. I have a MacBook Pro that I got over 3 years ago, and it's been absolutely fantastic. I've never had a single problem with it, it's fast, and it just plain works [all of which make the price tag on apple products totally worth it.] Problem is, I've expanded my skill set since I got it, and some of the stuff I want to do requires a slightly faster processor, more memory [I've topped it out], and a bigger screen [just makes life a lot easier when you've got multiple art boards, programs, projects, and timelines open at once.]
I have a friend who's significant other works for a company that rhymes with 'Snapple', and she might be able to hook me up with a super killer deal on a new desktop [I'd choose one of the new iMac's] and I've been very tempted to bite the bullet, and get another computer, and wipe my laptop clean and use it strictly for travel. Now how do I decide between the 21.5" or 27" version? Any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

Chicks dig big monitors!!!
If it's for a desktop - what's the point in getting the smaller one?
Go Big or Go Home!
Well, I'll have to see what the dollar difference will end up being between the two, a 21.5" is no slouch either. Seriously, take a tape measure and turn it diagonal at 21.5 inches, and that would be the actual screen size.
We'll see what kinda 'deal' I can get then it'll be decision time.
27"??? that's the size of the TV we just replaced!!!
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