Friday, April 29, 2011

Where's My iPhone Been?

About a week ago, the news was released that the iPhone has been tracking your every movements. OH MY GOSH BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING, ENTER FREAK OUT MODE NOW!!!

Eh, who cares, the maps that you can extract from the files hidden in your iTunes backup files are pretty cool. Below are two pictures of the maps that I was able to create using this software. I got my phone back in September, so the maps below are based only from the time I got it onwards. Obviously, most of my time is spent in the DC and Northern VA areas, with some visits to PA, NJ, Boston, and Colorado. Yep, seems pretty accurate to me. So there you have it, my iPhone travels from September until now. [You can in fact zoom in further on the maps right down to the street level, but I took the screen shots so you could see a wider area of travel.] 

Kinda interesting, no doubt, I just wish I had done more traveling over the past year!

1 comment:

Katie said...

That's crazy! I wish I could pull that from my phone