Friday, May 13, 2011

Good As New....Almost

A couple months back, one of the side logos on my favorite pair of sunglasses fell off, or rather, the slick metal cover fell off the glue underneath, leaving a completely mismatched look. I let it slide for a while but kept meaning to get around to fixing it. Fixing it in the traditional sense would be difficult because I have no idea where that metal piece disappeared too, and thus couldn't simply glue back on, so I ripped the other one off instead! After a good little cleaning with some nail polish remover and a razor blade, I had the area de-glued and cleaned up. Enter, silver paint!

A year and a half ago, I had bought some Testors brand model paint to customize the engine cover on my car, and still had the little bottle lying around. I found a small paint brush [which proved to be too big for this particular job, but worked nonetheless] and did my best to evenly fill in the indented area to make the 'O' logo stand out once again. If you get in there real close, you can see that this was a do-it-yourself job, but from any sort of distance more than 2 feet, you can't tell. I'm happy, and now both sides match. Here's to a little creative solution!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Impressive - I like it :)