Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Zombie Run Update

Early last month, I had posted about a new adventure type race that I found out about called Run For Your Lives, and wanted to be a part of. Well, instead of running in the race, I'm actually going to be volunteering instead, AS A ZOMBIE!! That's right, I made it through the zombie volunteer selection process and am officially a 'chaser' zombie....meaning I get to actually hunt people down and kill them [not for real though, I just have to pull the flag football flags they'll be wearing...good thing I play defensive back in my flag football league!]

There are 'walker' zombies as well, which are more or less there just there to scare the bejeezus out of people, and I'm sure I will too, but my make-up probably wont be quite as intense since I'll be running the whole time. I can't wait, and I think I'm going to have a lot of fun too. I've been lurking the Run For Your Lives Facebook Page, and there seem to be quite a lot of overly confident people on there, and all I have to say to them is, if you can't run a 4.5 40 yard dash, you will be killed by me. Guaranteed.  

To help with the visual scare tactics of chasing people down to try and eat their brains, I ordered some white contact lenses to make my living dead getup a little more believable. They're really not so much contacts as colored pieces of plastic film, making them extremely difficult to put in and getting them to sit properly, but they work nonetheless. Should be a great race day!!

Humans, Here I Come!

Fatties Don't Stand A Chance


Katie said...

Too creepy for me. Weird.

Patty said...

Those are totally creepy. I would freak if you came running out at me!

Patty said...

PS That video clip is completely DISGUSTING!