Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'An Ending'

This clip is been a long time favorite of mine, and also quite possibly the most beautiful automotive clip I've ever seen. It speaks of pure passion. Passion for all that is uncontaminated, gas and oil burning, tire shredding fun. Jeremy does touch on a scary subject though, what with various governments attempting to crack down on what we can and cannot do. But this post isn't about that, it's about the unparalleled symphony that man and machine can achieve. Talk about beauty in it's most powerful and aggressive form. There's really no good way to set up this clip, it's just that good. The scenery, the sounds, the emotion, all captured in the most visually stunning of ways. I could watch this one over and over again. If you ever feel the need to be re-connected to something, this is one way to do it. Enjoy, and then enjoy it some more.

[I highly recommend clicking on the video so you can view it in a larger frame.]

1 comment:

Patty said...

You write so poetically when you talk about cars!!