Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Bike! - Part Deux

About two weeks ago, I got to show off my new mountain bike. No new updates on that one, since the weather is nothing short of crappy, and even when the weather does clear I probably won't be able to ride for 1-2 weeks so the trails can dry out a little bit. Oh man, I'm getting sidetracked here. BACK ON TOPIC!

So, last year I really enjoyed riding a road bike and racking up a ton of miles, only problem was that I couldn't do that consistently because I did not own a road bike. All the miles I rode, was on my friends bike that I kept borrowing. Well, the other week he asked if I was interested in buying it from him since he didnt really ride it anymore. I was, so I emailed him back, we came to an agreement on price, and BAM! I've now got my very own road bike! My bike fleet is now complete....at least for the time being. Check out this sweet looking ride...


It's a 2007 Trek Madone 6.9, with a bunch of upgraded carbon fiber components, I think it weighs in at about 15lbs. It's a ridiculously light bike that accelerates really quickly [handy when you're having to stop at a lot of crossing on the W&OD trail] -- Here's the factory specs from Trek for this bike. The other fun thing about this bike is that it's actually a custom paint job from Trek's Project One program. On certain bikes, they allow you to place custom orders and upgrade parts, choose a different paint scheme, or make up your own. Since this is a project one bike, the paint on it is different from what you would find on a stock version of the same bike. It's a dark navy blue metallic, very sharp, and very clean looking, I'm a huge fan.

I'm really anxious for the roads to at least clear out from all the snow and ice, so I can at least get back on the bike and start racking up the miles. This spring/summer/fall I'm hoping to head out to Skyline Drive and do a couple rides there to set my lungs and legs on fire. It'll be painful, but worth it, especially if I plan on trying to ride the Shenandoah Mountain 100 in the fall. Also, I've already signed up to ride at least 63 miles for this years Tour de Cure ride for diabetes, but now I'm thinking of stepping up to the 100 mile ride now that I'll be able to train more. Anyways that's enough for now, the bike fleet has filled out nicely, now it's just time to get out and ride! Here's a couple more shots of the new ride, enjoy!

USA baby, USA.

Project One.

Lots of lightweight carbonium fiber.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Man that looks fancy...!