Friday, April 23, 2010

2010 Tour de Cure - Diabetes Awareness & Fundraiser

Last June I [kind of] participated in the American Diabetes Tour de Cure. I say kind of, becuase I didn't actually ride in it. Instead I volunteered and was a motorcycle marshall patrolling the course making sure all the riders were safe at all street crossings and checkpoints. I had a lot of fun, but felt like I could've done more.

So this year, I've signed up to be IN the tour. I've joined a team with some of the fine folks over at DCSBN called 'Team BamBam." Greg 'Bam Bam' walker, was a good friend of some of my friends, who lost his battle with diabetes on September 11, 2009. One of my good friends from that site has a brother who currently has diabetes, and in honor of Greg and all those currently fighting, my friend and his wife started the team.

I've been blessed with good health my entire life [despite all the crazy stuff I do] and it's something most people tend to take for granted and not really think about until it affects them personally. But that most certainly doesn't mean those of us not fighting a disease can't join the cause and fight for a cure. So on June 20th I'll be riding the 33 mile course with the rest of Team BamBam to help raise funds for the American Diabetes Association.

I've already sent out a big email blast to a lot of friends and family, but for those of you who weren't on that list, and also happen to be reading this right now, please consider chipping in whatever you can to help! Below are two links, one to our team page where you can read a little more about Greg, and one link will take you directly to my personal page. Thanks very much in advance to anyone who is able to contribute!

Oh, and I almost forgot, we're getting custom bike jersey's made [which I designed] as well, which you can see right here:

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