Monday, June 21, 2010

2010 National Tour de Cure, Ride For Diabetes

A couple months back I mentioned how I was going to be riding in this year's Tour de Cure, joining the fight against diabetes. Well, the event was yesterday and all I can really say is how awesome it was to participate in such an a rider. [I volunteered and was a motorcycle escort last year.] But this year, as a rider, I felt much more responsible and helpful for actually riding and putting my legs to work!

Our team, Team Bam Bam, was definitely one of the crowd favorites, which was incredible. Everywhere we went we heard just total random strangers yelling out "GO TEAM BAM BAM!!!" and at the various rest stops other riders saying how much they loved our jersey's and that they've seen more of us than any other team out there. It was pretty special to be a part of all of that. 

Hands down though, the absolute highlight was crossing the finish line AS A TEAM. Our team was comprised with a wide range of cycling fitness and skill, and the ride was easier for some than it was for others, but we stuck together, stopped for teammates, helped each other out, and even gave fellow riders a tow when needed. And when we finished, we rolled back into Reston Town Center as a team to a huge cheer from all the friends, families, volunteers, and spectators. It was absolutely amazing. I can't wait for next year's ride and have already commited myself to stepping up the mileage and doing at least the 63 mile ride, possibly the 100 miler [but that will depend on my personal level of fitness at the time.] I highly recommend you get involved next year if you haven't already done so. There are rides of all mileage including a 10 or 12 mile ride for those who are worried about the longer rides. And if actually moving while riding scares you, then they have a spin class 'ride' as well!

All in all it couldn't have gone any better, and we raised almost $8,000 as a team. To anyone who helped support me and help me achieve our team's fundraising goals, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Here's some pictures from the event. Enjoy!

Team Bam Bam before the event

Getting ready to roll out

Couple pictures of me while riding

Coming across the finish line


Chris Astle - Team Bam Bam Captain said...

Rob, a million thanks wouldn't be enough for all that you did to contribute in this year's Tour de Cure. From taking on the task of helping in the design and creation of the Team Bam Bam jerseys, to coordinating with The Bike Lane for assisting Team Bam Bam rider's with a special discount to help us with any cycling accessories we needed, to helping out my brother in his time of need yesterday.

It was great having you there for support and encouragement and to help me share in some of the tasks of the team Captain.

Next year, the 63-miler sounds great and I'd like for you to help me co-captain, if you would be willing to do so.

Thanks again!!

Patty said...

You 'da man, Robert! So proud of you for doing this and having such a positive attitude. You are so good to others! Love the pictures! What an awesome-looking team!