Thursday, June 24, 2010

De-Bunking, Wannabe De-Bunkers

Alright, I should let you know first off that this post is going to be a little bit of a rant, and it deals with Apple's new iPhone, and the people that try and make it seem like it's not all that great. Ready? Let's begin!

As many of you already know, Apple recently officially released their new iPhone 4, and as of yesterday the first models started landing in the hands of consumers who had pre-ordered them, with the official launch coming today and long lines forming outside of Apple stores across the country. Don't be surprised to hear a lot of news about the phone today.

So I get to work this morning and fire up the computer, and hop online, and the first article I see on Yahoo's page is about 5 big problems the new phone has and why you shouldn't buy one. I was curious so I started reading. [Here's the article] I got about half way through the authors first "point" and felt he immediately lost any and all credit he may have once had. I encourage you to read the entire article, because I'm going to go through this point by point. Go grab a cup of nice cold water and we'll continue.

1. In the first point, Scott Moritz [the author] talks about how the new iPhone comes with a 'skimpy camera' based on the fact that it only has a cheap 5 megapixel camera. Well, if my inklings are correct I'm going to guess that Scott doesn't know a whole lot about photography and how megapixel numbers are really more of a ploy by the camera companies to get you to spend more money, than they are a measurement of how good a picture you can take. 

Early last year I sold my xbox and bought a nice new Digital SLR camera. Now, I'm no professional photographer by any means, but I'll be damned if that camera doesn't take fantastic photos and make me look like a pro! And you wanna know the kicker?? IT'S ONLY 6 MEGAPIXLES!!!! Here's an example of a picture I took last year in San Diego. Keep in mind too that this picture has been downsized from it's original size because it's hosted on photobucket. Pretty darn good quality right?? 6 megapixels. When I was researching the camera I found this great article called 'The Megapixel Myth' by Ken Rockwell which pretty much explains in more detail why measuring a camera solely by its megapixel count is, for a lack of a better term, retarded. Scott, please do some more research of your own before throwing out numbers like that. Moving on!

2. He complains that the iPhone lacks a bit of software called 'Swype'. He cites that the flatscreen on the phone is far too difficult for your fat fingers to type on properly. Now I've never seen Scott in person, but perhaps he should think about losing a little bit of weight? I'd say that I have an average build and my fingers aren't fat, thus I have no problems using the touchscreen keyboard. Check out this next line he writes: "Apple did wonders with the touchscreen, but Swype makes it more useful for those among us who like to type."  Here's a suggestion Scott, if you really want to type, GO GET ON A COMPUTER!! We're talking about a dang phone here not Deep Blue

3. He's complaining about how to Video chat with someone, that someone also has to have the iPhone4 and be on a wifi signal. Honestly, I have no problems with that [at least for now.] Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any other current phone on the US market [in its original un-hacked form] can complete any kind of video call like the iPhone, or as seamlessly as it does. Seems to me he should be directing his complaints towards everyone else, and not at Apple for finally breaking through and bringing this very cool technology to the consumer. Priorities Scott, priorities.

4. Complaints about how there's not enough iPhone's to go around. Would someone please explain to me how this is a problem with the phone itself, and how is that in any way related to the original topic of the article on why to not buy one in the first place?!? Seriously Scott, ran out of ideas that quickly did we? This is in no way, shape, or form any kind of problem with the phone, or Apple. Sure I bet if you wanted them to crank out a million cheaply made pieces of junk a day they could do that, but isn't the point to make something that is quality and will last? Also, if they're so short on supply it must mean that they've definitely gotten this thing right [again] and the 600,000 or so units that pre-sold in one day last week is pretty much a slap right in your article's face. IN THE FACE!!!

5. Complaints that the phone is not available through Verizon. Now keep in mind these are just hunches, but I'm going to guess that Scott is in fact a pretty big fan of the iPhone and simply jealous that he can't have it, without switching networks. He blames a lot of the phones problems in this point on AT&T's network. Admittedly, there are problems with the network, but AGAIN, this is in no way Apple's or the iPhone's fault. If he were to write a separate article all about AT&T that would be one thing, but to try and included that point in an article about the phone's shortcomings is pretty bad.

Personally, I'd actually like it quite a bit if Verizon eventually got the iPhone, because that would mean a huge stress lifted off of AT&T's network and planted directly onto Verizon's. Look around, everyone and their mother has an iPhone and they're all doing a million things on it. Honestly I'm more surprised that AT&T's network has held up as good as it has.

To conclude, the article Scott wrote is nothing more than a petty attempt at trying to nitpick problems that aren't really there. Nice try homie, thanks for playing, come back and visit sometime soon. 

1 comment:

Patty said...

OK, points well taken. I sitll hear it's better to wait a month or two to buy new gadgets and let them get the kinks worked out.