Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Computer

Remember this post I made back in January?? Well, yesterday was the day I made it happen. I just picked up a 27" iMac with the i7 quad-core processor [the fastest one they make] with 8Gb of memory [a lot], a 1 terabyte hard drive [a lot], and their best graphics card. The thing is saweeeet! 

I actually found it barely used on craigslist for a steal of a price. I saved almost $700 over what it would have cost to buy from the Apple store configured in the exact same way. Not too shabby! Yesterday evening was spent transferring files, re-installing programs, and getting the new computer set up how I want it. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with my Macbook Pro now. More than likely, I'll wipe it clean once I have the new one entirely set up, and keep it around as a spare or to take on vacations with. Anyway, here's a quick picture of the new one on my desk at home, with the laptop sitting in front. Quite the difference in screen size wouldn't ya say??


Katie said...

That's a pretty massive screen.. but glad you got your new computer!

Patty said...

That is a thing of beauty!!