Monday, June 28, 2010

Pin Dodge 2010

This past weekend marked the 8th annual Pin Dodge tournament that my friends and I organize and play in every year. It started a while back after we were goofing around in my friends back yard and we 'resurrected' an old elementary school game where you throw dodge balls at the bowling pins that the opposing team is trying to block. It's a pretty simple game, but oodles of fun!

So on Saturday we had 6 teams of 4 people battle it out for this years Pin Dodge Championship title. The weather was extremely hot, the sun was brutal, and everyone [well, most everyone] gave everything they had to try and bring home the trophy. Well as luck skill would have it, yours truly won again! I brought home my 3rd trophy in a row, and 4th overall Pin Dodge championship title!!

Our team was solid this year. We started out pretty strong, but quickly fell into a slump and couldn't knock a pin down over to save our lives and fell drastically in the regular season rankings. We revised our game plan, made some position changes, worked on our communication and battled back into the number 2 overall seed going into the the tournament. That was huge because it gave us a first round bye. In the end we were able to prevail and bring home the glory. It was the 3rd overall [and 2nd in a row] trophy for my friend and teammate Shawn [we were on the same team last year together as well], and a special victory for my friend Ben. Ben is one of the few people other than myself who have played Pin Dodge every single year. This was however, his first victory, so I'm glad he was able to finally get a trophy. Shawn's wife Ginny was also on our team, so I suppose it was good we won so their household remains happy as well.

This year we also had someone of actual note battling for the championship. Reed Doughty, starting safety for the Washington Redskins played alongside my sister in law, Katie, on the green team. Obviously Reed is a better athlete than anyone who played, achieving far more in his respected sport than any of us could hope for. But it was his rookie year as a Pin Dodge player, and it was evident that the veteran players certainly held an advantage over him! My team actually played them in the championship game, and although I'm a huge Redskins fan, I was happy to see him lose this one. Reed is a great guy and we all thank him very much for coming out and playing this year.  

Here's a couple pictures from after the tournament, look for a video in the coming weeks. [I mean that this time!!] Enjoy!

This year's trophy

The winning team: Ginny, Myself, Shawn, and Ben


Another tradition, the Pin Dodge Cake!

Cutting the cake


Katie said...

I'm already looking forward to next year! Nice pictures - can't wait for the video. ANDDD I'm still sore :)

Patty said...

YEAH Black team! Congratulations and I'm quite happy for Ben!!!