Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kid On A Leash Part V

I know I know, I've been slacking a little with the posts recently, but here's one that should help cheer ya up!!

Last week I got more emails with 'Kid On A Leash' pictures! The first few come from my sister in law, Katie. She's probably the best Kid On A Leash photographer I know. I highly recommend her for all of your Kid On A Leash photography needs.

The last picture, comes from my Uncle Paul who snapped the picture walking through the Orlando airport last week, and I quote directly from his email: "I practically ran over an old guy to get this [picture]" -- Excellent work Uncle Paul, YOU RULE! Also, he mentioned to give my mom credit as well since she was the one who spotted it. Keen eye Mama Stratton, keen eye!

No kid in this pic, but the culprit parent is still visible

Talk about getting the shot even in the line of fire!
If this dad really wants to match, I'm sure there's a leash somewhere in his size.

This is just a shot of a beautiful 1970's maybe, Charger. And wait...is that kid leashed up to the light pole?!
Vacation Time = Leash Time


Katie said...

Hahaha I love your commentary. Esp. the one about the light pole :) I didn't even notice that kid!

Patty said...

Thanks for giving me credit!! Oh, how I wish I had a picture of you and Chris, the one time I did this!! (Flying back to Amsterdam on my own with way too much to carry!!)

Paul said...

And the guy in the airport even has her on a "half-leash". Where is she going to go?