Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kid On A Leash Part VI

Just as I was running upstairs earlier to grab something in my house, I spotted this small family for an evening stroll right across the street. Whatever was upstairs could wait, I had to get a picture of this 5 or 6 year old looking KID ON A LEASH! [Seriously, he looked a little old to be on a leash, and how much trouble could he really get into on an evening stroll?!]

I must apologize for the poor quality of the pic. I couldn't use the flash and the natural lighting was not bright so the shutter was remaining open a little longer than normal, thus you get all the motion blurring. Plus, they were across the street and I snapped the pic from my dining room so I wouldn't get busted. Anyway, KID ON A LEASH!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sometimes I understand the leashes if you have a lot to keep track of in an airport or at a crowded festival - but in your neighborhood?? That's crazy.