Monday, May 17, 2010

Old Rag Mountain Hike

Yesterday I headed out early with some friends to do the Old Rag Mountain Hike. It was the first adventure on our friends bachelor party day. The entire thing is right around 8 miles long, but varies a little depending on which trails you take. Including a stop at the top, we did the whole thing in just about 5 hours. Not too shabby. It's not an expert hike, but you definitely need to have a little athleticism to get through the rock scramble area. It was a great time, as the following pics will prove. Enjoy!

Started out pretty normal.

Running in the beginning turned out not to be the best of ideas.

First overlook, covered in sweat.

The bachelor, clinging to his remaining days of freedom.

....Or maybe not, who knows.

Panoramic shot.

Yours truly.

Luckily, I am part Superman, so I was able to lift this boulder so we could pass.

Start of the rock scramble area.


And definitely not easy.

Closer to the top, there was the 'hard' path and the 'easy' path. Naturally we chose hard, and there were some pretty decent gaps you had to jump. I was voted to jump first for the majority of them so no one was able to get pictures of me, but I got this great shot of Nate jumping the gap between these two rocks.

Not how you do a rockstar pose.


Motley Crue shots.


Katie said...

That looks like an awesome hike. Glad none of you fell down one of those small canyons you had to leap!

Patty said...

Those are great pictures! Love the one of you "lifting" the boulder and the group shots. I would love to get over there.