Friday, June 18, 2010

Air Guitar, Rocking Out, and Classic Rock

Every once in a while you have to just let loose and rock out. I do this on a regular basis, yet probably not enough. It's even better when you go nuts, and don't care how stupid [or awesome, depending on your point of view] you may look.

There are two videos posted below. Some of you may be familiar with the first one. It's from an episode of Scrubs when the hospital's air band, the 'Cool Cats' performs More Than A Feeling at the end. It's a classic scene. The second video is from this past weekend when I was down in Tennessee. We had some free time one afternoon and my buddy and I felt the urge to get our rock on. We also happened to choose More Than A Feeling as our song, and it wasn't until the weekend was long over did I remember about the Scrubs version.

Now, I don't think we could ever compare ourselves to the Cool Cats, but what's your take on our [unrehearsed] version? At any rate, I'm sure this will be good for a few laughs at my expense [I'm in the black trunks.] Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy!

[Cool Cats, More Than A Feeling]

[Mullet Rock Out Session, More Than A Feeling]


Katie said...

Where did you get that hair???

Patty said...

I think Chev should play Pin Dodge in his hair!!