Thursday, June 3, 2010

Underwater Base Jumping

Huh? Underwater Base Jumping? Yep, you read correctly. A long while back I did a post on base jumping with wing suits. But this new video might be even more impressive. I don't know a whole lot about free diving, other than it takes a tremendous amount of practice, skill, and lung capacity, so I'll just let the video do the talking. You know what's funny though? Chances are probably better you could get my mom to do the wing suit thing before this! Enjoy!


Patty said...

Love the music and the video is really beautiful. You are absolutely right...made me nervous just watching. 2 feet of ocean is more than I can handle!!

Katie said...

How can that dude hold his breath for that long?? That's crazy.

Rob said...

My personal breath holding record is 3 minutes 9 seconds....but that was a while ago, and that was without exerting any energy!