Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ro-Bert The Conqueror

I watch a lot of the Travel Channel on TV, and it's dangerous but inspiring and awesome all at the same time. There's a new show that debuted last week called 'Bert The Conqueror' - next to being a baseball manager and getting to see each game from the dugout, all decked out in nice looking gear with an endless supply of bubble gum, gatorade, and sunflower seeds, Bert has got to have the greatest job in the least to someone like me!

This guy gets to travel all around the country doing the most insane stuff, and he gets paid to do it! Man did I really miss the boat on trying to take advantage of that job opening. To his credit though, he is really really funny to watch, and probably has a slightly better on camera persona that I might have, but that's nothing that I couldn't work on! He does have one advantage though, he's seems generally scared of a lot of these challenges, whereas I would be racing to be first in line, and then want to do it again blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back. That fear really comes out well in his facial expressions!

Jumping off a building in a simulated free fall? SIGN ME UP!!

[Bert, if you ever happen to read this and need a crazy sidekick to do these challenges with, goof off with, and possibly make fun of your crazy faces, let me know buddy and I am there!!! After whole life revolves around being a 6 year old at heart!]

[Bert The Conqueror]


Katie said...

You clearly need to pursue a job like this. I would watch the things you do on the travel channel!

Patty said...

I, too, would watch you! Just saw this video clip now - too funny. I'll have to watch it sometime.